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7 Ways To Promote Your Business Besides Social Media

7 Ways to Promote your Business Besides Social Media

While we will admit that social media is a powerful tool and should not be omitted from your marketing strategy, we also must recognize that there are other ways to promote your business besides social media. Many of these alternative ways are tied back to social media in some way. But many of them also can stand alone and give a great punch to your marketing efforts.
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What Does Your Analytics Say About Your Business?

What Does Your Analytics Say About Your Business?

When most entrepreneurs approach a coach or social media manager for help with their business, they focus on everything else besides their analytics. Their marketing, brand colours, logo, website, and email list are top of mind when deciding on improving their business. But all of these things are driven by your analytics. What does your analytics say about your business?
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#1 Rule Of Marketing

#1 rule of marketing

I'm focusing on marketing because it's the number one question that I keep getting asked by entrepreneurs who are joining dynamic business strategists. It's my free Facebook group of over 4000 entrepreneurs, where we help each other we share valuable information, keep each other accountable. We share tips and tools. So if you are not there, that is where you need to be. 
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The Significance Of Collaboration

The Significance of Collaboration

In my years of business, I have collaborated with many mighty entrepreneurs and this week I want to introduce you to one of them. Gervon Abraham is the owner and operator of Fenceline and I asked him to share his perspective on the significance of collaboration. This is what he had to say...
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5 Things I Look For In A Coach

5 things I look for in a coach

As a coach myself, I am always seeking out new coaches who can take me to the next level in business. I believe this is a necessity to grow a sustainable business. A coach is more than a cheerleader, but a person who can take you on a guided journey to where you need to be. All coaches are not created equal and while I am on the search for my next best coach, these are the 5 things I look for in a coach.
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How To Ramp Up Your Visibility In 90 Days

How to ramp up your visibility in 90 days

I want to talk to you about a client I currently have who ramped up their visibility in less than 6 months. This client came to me with a presence on Linkedin, but no real social media strategy. They were clear about their ideal clients but not a clear strategy of how to communicate with them consistently. They had great products and services and even a website but people still did not know they existed.
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