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Focus On Engagement As Your Business Grows

Focus on Engagement as Your Business Grows

Many entrepreneurs struggle with where to aim their focus as their business grows. The one thing that I suggest to them is to focus on engagement as their business grows. Whether you are now gaining momentum or you have an active audience, engagement is what needs to stay top of mind. But what happens before you reach the engagement phase? Well at least 2 things should be completed:

  1. Setting clear goals
  2. Identifying your ideal clients
Setting clear goals

1. Setting clear goals

Before you even start a business, you should have a clear goal. An idea of what you want to achieve as well as what you want your business to look and feel like. A goal should be written down and be easily visualized. Defining your business goals come down to an understanding of your strengths and what you want to offer your audience or how you plan to solve specific challenges they are experiencing. 

I have spoken extensively about Goal Setting and understand and stress the importance of this to my clients before they make any steps in their business. A goal clearly defined helps you to eliminate some of the missteps that can be avoided in the long run.

In defining your goal, also identify your financial goal. How much do you want to make per day, week, or month? And what would making this money means to you. It does not necessarily mean that you earn this revenue in the first month of business, however, it gives you a specific amount to work towards as you get into intentional and purposeful action to build the business you love.

2.Identifying your ideal client

Because our focus needs to be on engaging with our audience as we build, we need to clearly understand who we are engaging with. Your ideal client is not every living person on the planet. On the contrary, your ideal client is a select niche of people who want and need the solutions that you are offering. I spoke about 5 ways to find your ideal client.

Getting to know these ideal clients takes research and testing. But the sooner you can identify them, then the easier it will be to align your messaging and offerings to their challenges. And it is these ideal clients you want to actively engage with daily with valuable content that inspires, motivates, and educates. 

Build Trust and Engagement

3.Build Trust and Engagement

Now that you have your goal and Ideal client identified, let’s get down to building trust through engagement. This is the focus of your business growth. Engagement needs

  1. Consistency
  2. Intention
  3. A solution

You build trust with your audience by being consistent with your message. When your audience gets accustomed to seeing and hearing you sharing valuable information that makes them feel good or helps them solve challenges then they start to trust your brand. 

Your engagement must also be intentional. Every decision to show up on video, posts, via email, or blog must have an intention behind it. Are you trying to inspire, motivate, educate or entertain. Your consistency and engagement should be done with a clear mind. 

A solution should be the crux of your engagement focus. Your ideal clients have made the conscious decision to follow you or like you or subscribe to your email list for a specific reason. They are looking for solutions. So do not disappoint them! Provide them with a solution(s) to challenges they are experiencing and show them why you are the only solution they need.


Engagement goes beyond posting videos and messages. Building trust means being open to have conversations and share experiences with others. As you focus on engagement, also make the intentional decision to leave comments, answer questions, share tools and resources and be a cheerleader as well. Engagement works both ways.

As you continue to build the business you love, ask yourself this question everyday- How engaged was I with my audience?. This is a good guide for you to use daily to improve your engagement strategy. 

And if you still feel stuck or lost then, it is time for us to get to work.

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