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Avoid These 2 Huge Mistakes When Creating A Digital Product

Avoid these 2 huge mistakes when creating a digital product

Creating digital products is all the rave right now. We are seeing an uptick in the number of ebooks and video training flooding the market from nearly all niches. The reality is that many digital products are never seen by the intended audience. There is a reason for this. Avoid these 2 huge mistakes when creating a digital product:

1.Not validating your offer

Many entrepreneurs create these ‘great’ offers because of a feeling or a hunch. These offers usually fall flat because the entrepreneur has broken the one cardinal rule— validating your offer.

What does validation look like?

What does validation look like?

It looks like a few steps. First comes the market research to see what is readily available to your audience already. Your digital product should be solving a challenge and it should be unique to you and your brand. If the information you are sharing can be found by a simple Google or Youtube search, then chances are, it won’t be flying off the shelf.

The next step of validation is engaging your audience to more clearly define their needs. Because your digital product should be solving a challenge you need to ensure that the challenge is clear and the solution is even clearer.

Start by asking your audience questions. Getting their feedback. Tease them with the idea and even go so far as to create a waiting list of people who are excited to buy your offering. 

Check my last blog- Want more money, add digital products

Excited Woman Working At Desk In Design Studio Looking Excited

Sell it before you even create it!

This will give you a much better sense of it you are on the right track and will even guide your pricing for each digital product. Create buzz and conversation around what you are about to launch by giving them samples, creating a beta testing group, or sharing behind the scenes.

This is a crucial step for you to save time, money, and resources in creating a successful digital product and having a sold-out launch.

2.Not marketing your digital product

We already know that build it and they will come never works. It is the same for your digital products. You have to create a marketing and sales strategy for the launch of each digital product created. This may look like different things depending on your niche/market.

Nonetheless, after creating your digital product, even with a waiting list of persons who were excited to buy, you need to create

  1. A clear message
  2. Communicate the benefits
  3. Make it easy for your audience to buy it

The platform you use and the type of digital product you are selling will dictate many of these things. But, all of your digital products need to be promoted to your audience. 

Are you ready to create your very first digital product? Well, I have the training just for you called Digital Products- Your next step. In this training you will learn:

  • Elements of a Digital Product
  • How to create a digital product
  • How to create multiple streams of income
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