Should you work for free to start your business?
So you are ready to start your business and you want to get as many eyes on it as soon as possible. You also want to start to make sales quickly. But the fact is that no one knows you…
So you are ready to start your business and you want to get as many eyes on it as soon as possible. You also want to start to make sales quickly. But the fact is that no one knows you…
What are simple sales funnels and why are they even necessary? Let's break it down, a sales funnel is a journey. It is the journey your client takes as they get to know you, to like you, and trust you.…
Every business should have a goal. A goal is a plan written out that you work towards daily. A goal can be long-term or short-term. In my experience as a coach, I have found that having shorter goals encourage my…
In 2020, the rave was all stories and now in 2021-2022 every social media guru cannot stop talking about reels. The truth is that video always works and has a greater impact than stagnant pictures. We have already established this…
WHY SHOULD I BE MAKING VIDEO CONTENT? If you are on Linkedin and have not come across Juma Bannister, then are you really on Linkedin? He is the master of video content and it was quite natural for us to approach…
Email marketing is alive and well and one of my go to persons to teach about this topic is Keiva Reyes. Keiva took the time to answer the question- What is this thing called email marketing and what can it…