When is the right time to leave?
4 ways to greater visibility
It’s all about the SWOT!
Anxiety and Excitement at my own mastermind meeting.
Anxiety and Excitement at my own mastermind meeting. In 2015, I had a dream to become a coach. I knew I had the skill but I also recognized that there was so much more I needed to learn and so…
Stop with the Excuses!
Excuses excuses excuses!! We all have them and we all use them. If I had a 25cent for every excuse I have heard for why your biz is not where it needs to be I swear I would be a…
It is time to LEVEL UP
With just 100 days to go before Christmas, there is no time like the present to make the decision to LEVEL UP your business. What do I mean by that? Well quite a few things actually: STOP HIDING BEHIND YOUR…
Facebook is not the only place to find clients!
Who do I collaborate with?
Collaborations are all the rave now. Why? Because we are realizing more and more that you do not have to grow your business alone. According to the Business Dictionary, a collaboration is 'Cooperative arrangement in which two or more parties…
5 things your clients are saying about you
You know how no matter how we try we are always concerned about what 'people' think about us? Well the only person who should be focused on is what your client thinks about you and what they are saying. As…