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It is time to LEVEL UP

With just 100 days to go before Christmas, there is no time like the present to make the decision to LEVEL UP your business. What do I mean by that? Well quite a few things actually:


While social media is a powerful tool it is not the only way to reach your audience.

Some of the people who need and want what you provide are listening to a radio, reading a newspaper, attending networking events…. they may NOT use social media to search for the solution that you provide to them.

Stop being lazy and stop making excuses and do the work to get in front of your audience if you really want to make the sales you truly desire.

People would not buy from you if they do not know you exist. You have to create a business that gets seen and heard in the clutter of all the noise and traffic that your ideal clients are experiencing everyday.

PLUS, your marketing and sales strategy should include how you show up in different ways in different places so you can reaffirm with your clients that you are the ONLY solution to the challenge they are facing.


Just 2 years ago when I jumped into coaching I was working Sunday to Sunday sometimes up to 17 hours each day. I was on a constant roller coaster of booking calls, getting people on the phone and talking to as many people as possible. Somedays I would talk to at least 15 people at a time. PLUS I spend a load of time posting in other groups, doing videos, sending emails and attending events…because I thought this is what I needed to do in order to make my business take off.

Little did I know at the time that I did not have to burn myself out to exhaustion to have a business that I loved. I started to focus specifically on a strategy that would make me happy that was specific to my business and the life I wanted. I was never interested in being like any other coach or being compared to anybody else. I chose the quality of life that I wanted and I had to design my business around that.

I raised my prices
I increased the value in my programmes
I cut down my work days from 7 days to 4 days
I did targeted videos and ads
And I got really specific about who I wanted to work with ( I say NO to alot of people if I do not feel they are the right fit)
And I hired people to work alongside me to grow my business

That was a conscious decision I made to LEVEL UP my business and my life so I had more time to spend with those I love and pursue other things that gave me pleasure. I am still learning and growing but until I made that decision, my life was in chaos and my health was topsy turvy.

You decide what your life and business should look and feel like. It is not a once size fits all and you do not have to do all those tons of things you do not want to do.


One size does not fit all and what may work for me in business may not work for you for a number of reasons

1. Our goals may be different
2. Our ideal clients are different
3. Our budgets are different
4. Our tools and resources are different

So stop watching what your competitors are doing and instead focus on creating a marketing strategy that works specifically to your business.
One that develops out of the goals you set for yourself.
One that speaks directly to your ideal clients.
One that you can afford and one that utilizes the best tools and resources that you do have available

Not because everyone is doing it means that is what you need to do or that is the way you should be doing it. Make your marketing look and feel unique to your audience.

Now is the best time for you to LEVEL UP and I do not know how else to say it to you. To be successful you can longer be contented to play small and just do the bare minimum to get by. You have to make the decision to be uncomfortable, to ask for help, to stretch yourself beyond your limits and put in the work to get the results that you truly desire in life and business.

If you are ready to make this bold leap, then just simply reach out to me and join me in my private facebook group of over 3000 entrepreneurs from around the world. Join us and let’s keep the discussion going.

private fb group- DBS

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