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The Future Of Events

The future of events

Let us introduce you to TCJ Events, my go-to event planners. I asked its founder Tisha Jack to share some pointers with my audience about the future of events. This is what she had to share.

With over 10 years of experience in Event Management, we couldn’t predict such a drastic change in an ever-booming industry. Coming together is human nature. We don’t think any of us were prepared to be planning events that didn’t include just that. 

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I Am Giving Away Everything For Free!

I am giving away everything for free!

The easiest way to get new clients is to give away a lot of free stuff. There I said it. I know you must be cursing me at the back of your head and she mad? There is no way I can give away a lot of free stuff in my business. I will go broke!!! But the fact is that if you start by giving people what they want for free, eventually they will buy it. So let me explain before you get all riled up. If you have a brick and mortar store selling clothes for example, by no means am I suggesting you give your clothes away for free, but give your knowledge away. When a client enters your store and you start to interact, share with them the best colours for their skin tone, the best cuts for their body types, what the latest styles and fashion is and show them why certain outfits compliment them. Give away your knowledge for free!
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Do I Need A Digital Product?

Do I Need A Digital Product?

We have had many discussions about digital products. And the reason I've been harping on this topic is that business is changing and the environment is changing. The climate is changing and the economy is changing. We always want to keep abreast of what makes sense for our business. You may be thinking, 'Do I need a digital product?'
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Do You Have A Marketing Plan?

Do You Have A Marketing Plan?

The one thing I know for certain when most people start working with me is that they do not have a Marketing plan. They may have a social media page and even a website and even an email list, but they have no idea how to make all these things work together. A Marketing plan is an outline of how you convey your message to your audience. It is a combination of the tools that you will use to convey the message as well as where you will convey these messages. But there are some major decisions you have to make before you even decide to show up to your audience.
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