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Who is your ideal client?

Many times when a person decides to start a business, they never think about their ideal clients. I mean really think about them and write out the characteristics of them. You tend to focus on starting a facebook page, having a pretty logo and starting to sell. And when you have done all of this and then get no sales, there is a huge uproar. One of the reasons, (and by no means is this the only reason) you are getting no sales is because you are trying to sell to EVERYBODY even though everybody does not need or want what you are selling. You have this false belief that your product/service is so great that everybody will rush to purchase. This is so false and actually many business close after 1 year in business not because their product/service was horrible but simply because they did not take the time to fine tune who they wanted to serve.

What is an ideal client?

An ideal client is that person who needs what you have. They do not question your price and they are seeking out a solution for a problem and they know you can solve their problem. Your ideal client is a sweetheart and sometimes called a soul mate client because they understand and appreciate your product or service. They also recommend you to others and give you glowing testimonials all the time. Sometimes they do not even realise they need you until they have used your product/service but once they do there is no turning back. An ideal client buys from you over and over and over again! Sounds perfect right?

But why is it important to find them?

Once you know who your ideal client is, it is sooo much easier to share value and sell everyday. They want to soak up the information that you are sharing. Knowing your ideal client means you speak directly to a person who wants to buy from you. They know, like and trust you and they become your brand ambassadors. Knowing them also means that you save time, money and resources. It also means that your marketing and sales efforts are more focused and fine tuned so you can sell more and work less (almost ideal!)

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But where do I find them?

This is the part where the ball drops. You have to go looking for them. You have to ask around. You have to look at the people who have bought from you before or who are buying similar products and services to yours. You have to pay close attention to what people are saying and consuming in the industry. Most coaches and marketing gurus will give you a simple exercise to complete which speaks specifically to the demographic of your ideal client. For example,

  1. Are they married, single, divorced or widowed?
  2. Are they male or female?
  3. Do they have children and how many?
  4. What is their household income?
  5. What is their disposable income?

These questions really tackle the basic information about your client. And they are important because a single woman spends money differently and her priorities are different to a married woman with 3 children. You have to identify these basic qualities so you can understand what is important to them and why they buy.

In addition, you look at where they live, where they spend their time both online and offline, the brands they follow and the people who they consider influencers. Why? Because you need to be wherever they are everyday!

But a great sales person needs to know about the emotional parts of their clients. What makes them tick? What keeps them up at night? What can’t they live without? How do you find these answers? You simply ask people who have bought from you; who have expressed interest in your product or service or who you know need what you have to offer!

What do I do when I find them?

When you have narrowed down exactly who needs you and how they need you then you start to share value. You pay close attention to the language they use when they are speaking about the problem they are experiencing. You talk directly to them about their problems using the exact words they use (psychology of selling!) and share how you can help them sleep better at night. Give value everyday and ask for the sale.

Where do I start?

Start by writing it out. Get it out of your head and write out the exact features of your ideal clients until you have created a persona that you can actually visualize. It helps to also give your ideal client avatar a name. But remember, you can also have more than 1 ideal client based on where they are in your buyers journey. So keep plotting away until you narrow down exactly who they are and how you are helping them. In a previous post- Stop Living in a Ghost Town I shared some useful tips about how to engage your ideal clients consistently.

And if you still need help, then contact me for a FREE 30 minute consultation and let’s get to work identifying your ideal client.





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