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What to outsource in your business

The excitement of starting your own business venture is exhilarating. You have your perfect product or service and you have clients pounding at your door. Things are exactly how you envisioned. Fast forward to three months later and besides dealing one on one with your clients every single day you have to balance your books, post pictures and notices on your social media platforms, you have to update your website on a weekly basis, you have to network at least twice a week, then develop strategies to grow your business even further which may mean bringing in new staff and new salaries and paying taxes and NIS plus still find time to spend quality time with your family. It gets overwhelming pretty fast!

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But the good news is that you do not have to do it alone. Not because it is your dream means that you have to be chief cook and bottle washer. In fact many businesses fail because the owners do not relinquish some control of the day to day activities of their venture. Some of the most successful business owners understand that they need to outsource some of the running or activities of their business so they can focus on their strengths in the business. The time you may take to load a new blog or post pictures to your Facebook page can be spent meeting with clients and closing a new deal. The revenue you make taking care of the core of the business will far outweigh paying someone to take care of the back end items.


Outsourcing does not mean not understanding the methods and procedures. In fact it means that you manage what is done from a distance. It means you understand what your revenue and expenditure is but you hire somebody to do the paper work. It means you have an eye for detail and you understand how your website should look but you hire somebody to create the design and populate your site.

Some of the most common outsourced jobs include:

  • Web developer/graphic artists
  • Accountant
  • Sales
  • Packaging and Distribution
  • Social Media Management
  • Writing/Editing/Blogging

Outsourcing is one of the best things you can do for your business.

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This Post Has 2 Comments
  1. […] Delegated jobs and hired helpedYes, I asked for help. So even when I did not to do list, I would decide who I would send the work out to. I now have 2 Virtual Assistants and a personal assistant and a set of freelancers I reach out to complete projects. At first, I was terrified to do this because like you, I thought I could not afford help because I am not making enough revenue as yet. I wrote a whole blog on what to outsource in your business. […]

  2. […] Delegated jobs and hired helpedYes, I asked for help. So even when I did not to do list, I would decide who I would send the work out to. I now have 2 Virtual Assistants and a personal assistant and a set of freelancers I reach out to complete projects. At first, I was terrified to do this because like you, I thought I could not afford help because I am not making enough revenue as yet. I wrote a whole blog on what to outsource in your business. […]

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