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What To Do Once You Have Found Your Ideal Client!

What to do once you have found your ideal client!

We have spent a considerable amount of time talking about finding your ideal client. But, the next logical question is what to do once you have found your ideal client.

5 ways to find your ideal client

So, you may know exactly who you want to serve. You may even know where they can be found. And you may even have the perfect solution to their challenge. But what you do not know is how to attract them. How do you get them swarming to your business in leaps and bounds without you spending a ton of money on ads, lowering your prices or discounting your business, or worse begging them to come to buy from you?

Well, there are a few things that you can do to attract them effortlessly.

1. Show up and share value

I know this may sound like a no-brainer but let me explain. It does not simply mean starting a social media page and posting every day….even though you should. But it means showing up intentionally and speaking for them by speaking about the challenges they are experiencing and then sharing the benefits of the solution that you are offering to them.

The value you share is in the conversations you start. The relationships that you start to build.

2. Position yourself as a leader in the field

You have to believe in your solution first and then others will believe in you. Part of this positioning means niching down on a topic/theme and sharing valuable information about that topic in a variety of ways including

  1. videos
  2. blogs/articles
  3. pictures/memes
  4. interviews

This will allow you to organically attract your clients because everywhere they turn, they will see you talking and sharing value about a particular topic. You want to give testimonials and case studies to back up your positioning, which leads us to the next point

Testimonials and Case studies

3. Testimonials and Case studies

‘Your ideal client will be attracted not to you but to the results you provide to your audience. This is why testimonials are gold and why word of mouth is still so powerful as a marketing tool. Your ideal clients want to know that others have worked or bought from you and got wonderful results.

This also allows them to feel like part of a community of people who are getting their challenges solved. It builds know-like and trust among your intended audience and guides them to your business even faster. 

4. Engage with your audience

So even though you know who they are and you know where they are, then the next logical step is to engage with them. What does this mean? Well, it does not mean shoving your solutions down their throats. What it does mean, is that you start to have conversations with them and also ask them questions. Your ideal clients want to know that you are truly invested in their interests beyond getting a dollar from them.

Engagement allows you to build this trust, plus do some market research and gather more information so you can serve them even better. And establish camaraderie. Just as you would like your ideal clients to engage with your business, you need to engage with your ideal clients. 

5. Collaborate with others

Some people are already connected to your ideal clients. Connect with them and work together to provide value to the existing audience. This is a great way to get people to know who you are how you serve and also build bridges with other businesses you can continue to work with in the future.

Who do I collaborate with?

Collaboration is the quickest way to get in front of your ideal client and establish your brand. Your collaboration could be a one-off affair or it could be for a continuous basis depending on your goals. 


Attracting your ideal clients is not just about creating a social media page or a website. Like everything in business, there is a strategy involved in attracting them so that you can build know, like, and trust and increase your revenue and build a sustainable business.

Still, having trouble attracting your ideal clients? Then let’s get to work

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