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Video is king in 2017

So yes I know this title sounds so cliche. Every year we grown some other new marketing strategy king of the hill but this year has been quite different. Video did not just become a thing. In fact since the end of 2015 it has been growing steadily as the go to the media by which to connect and engage with clients. Many more businesses are using it as part of their marketing strategy and reaping the rewards of doing so.

Why video?

  1. It puts a face to your brand. This is something that many entrepreneurs shy away from but more clients want to know the face behind their brands. They want to see who is creating and sharing all this valuable information
  2. It builds know, like and trust because we are visual creatures by nature and like a movie, watching a video makes your audience feel that they are part of the process of your business.
  3. It is cheap. With just the use of your smart phone, laptop or ipad, anyone with a business can create a video to share with their audience. You actually have no reasonable excuse (short of horrible wifi connections)
  4. It increases your visibility. Studies have shown that video will get more clicks and likes than just text messages alone. Hence the reason platforms like IG, snapchat are so popular. Now even have the feature on Whatsapp
  5. It can be shared over and over. Video has a longer shelf life. The video you do today can be shared again in 6 months once the information you share is relevant

Utilizing video is no easy feat. Because like with anything else in your business, once you decide to go down this road of utilizing video you must have a plan.

  1. What is the overall goal
  2. What do you want your viewers to do immediately after watching your video
  3. What is the core message that you want to share in each video
  4. Who are you targeting
  5. How often and on what days and times should you be posting videos
  6. What works best with your audience? Pre recorded or live stream

So while I completely endorse using video in your plan, it must be utilized properly or else you will not see and experience the results you really want.

How effectively are you using video to connect with your audience? If you are still not sure then let’s chat- Free Discovery Call– about how we can ensure it is being used effectively in your business.

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