The challenge most entrepreneurs have with getting sales is that they do not know what type of content to share with their audience. And because of this, they show up everyday and hear crickets.
Marketing your business does not have to be daunting. It takes work but once you devise a plan and strategy that works for your business, the pieces start to fall together and the sales start to roll in.
One of the challenges many of my clients face is creating content consistently that sells. You see, this is something that is not taught in school and when most people start a business, they focus on building a pretty website, have a splashy call card, and then maybe creating a flier that they hope will lure people to their business. And when it does not quite work out that way, they come to me and ask WHY?
Starting a business is no easy feat. In fact, having a great idea alone is not enough anymore. Gone are the days of build it and they will come. Now in order to build a sustainable business, you need to put in the work before you even officially launch the business.
I know you must have read that headline and shake your head in disbelief. How dare I say that when so many entrepreneurs are struggling everyday to remain focused when they are faced with obstacle after obstacle getting in the way of their success right? But hear me out....
One of the challenges many of my clients face is creating content consistently that sells. You see, this is something that is not taught in school and when most people start a business, they focus on building a pretty website, have a splashy call card and then maybe creating a flier that they hope will lure people to their business.
There is a huge misconception that once you are starting a business and to maintain a business you need to burn the candle at both ends. Don’t worry, I was also of that belief until I decided I did not want to be stuck in front my laptop for 10 hours every day Sunday to Sunday.
I remember when I first started my coaching business, I would write down my goals, say my daily affirmations and set out being active every day to ensure my goals were being met. I did a 30 day, 60 day and 90 day goal and then I broke them down into actionable steps.
I never realized how much I was addicted to my wifi until the day I was busy trying to put together the email sequence for my first webinar and when it was time for me to test the software…poof. Nada. Zilch.