How I get out of my funk
Like everybody else there are times when I fall into a funk. When I don’t feel motivated to get up and do what I know needs to get done. We have all been through these spells and trust me when I…
Like everybody else there are times when I fall into a funk. When I don’t feel motivated to get up and do what I know needs to get done. We have all been through these spells and trust me when I…
So many of us hide behind our computers under the pretense that if we post often on social media and engage in enough discussions with people in groups on Facebook, LinkedIn or Google + then our businesses will grow and we will…
I remember when I first started my coaching business, I would write down my goals, say my daily affirmations and set out being active every day to ensure my goals were being met. I did a 30 day, 60 day…
When was the last time you looked at your business plan? Many of us spent so much time writing a business plan when we first embarked on this entrepreneurial journey and put that final full stop and never looked back.…
It is no secret that our biggest critic is ourselves. Every day we wake up and we say our prayers and then we start our daily routine of self-sabotage. We talk ourselves out of a deal. We talk ourselves out…
When people talk about the freedom of being an entrepreneur, one of the things they always site is the freedom of working from home. They paint this picture of waking up whenever you want, not having to endure long commutes…
I never realized how much I was addicted to my wifi until the day I was busy trying to put together the email sequence for my first webinar and when it was time for me to test the software…poof. Nada. Zilch. Restart…
The first day of the rest of my life Today is the first day that I am free. Free to fully pursue my dream and my passion and live the life that I really want. It has been months, even…
At some point in our lives we have had to make this very difficult decision. When is the right time to leave a bad situation to make our lives a little bit better. It is never an easy decision, but…
It makes no sense to have an awesome service to offer your clients and they do not even know about it. You need to be visible and you need to be heard. Below are 5 simple tips to get more…