Starting a business? This is what you need to know
I work every day with new entrepreneurs, who are excited to get on the journey of starting a business, and many times, that excitement turns to dismay because they do not know where to start. They go to YouTube or find gurus online and quickly get overwhelmed with all the things they are being told to do to start their business.
If you are ready to start a business….this is what you need to know

1. You have to start with a goal
A goal not written is merely a wish list. I am sure you have heard that saying before, because it is very true, especially when it comes to starting a business. A goal is what keeps you anchored even when the going gets tough.
You need to decide WHY you are starting this business in the first place. Is it to
- become financially independent
- become your boss
- provide better for your family
- leave a legacy for your children
- have more time to bond with your family
- create multiple businesses
Your GOAL is what drives your passion and commitment to stay the course. Your Goal should be SMART. It should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Bound. The more specific it is, the easier it is to visualize, manifest, and then get into action to make it a reality.
Read- 10 things I wish I knew before starting a business
2. You need to cultivate a business mindset when starting a business
Cultivating a business mindset is often overlooked when we are starting a business. Let me tell you what it does not mean. It is not simply praying and staying positive, because it is so much deeper than that. It means fostering a belief in yourself and your business; becoming your own biggest cheerleader; changing the conversation we have around wanting and desiring money daily. It means understanding that you have everything you need to succeed. It means allowing yourself to fail, learn and keep going.
Creating this business mindset does not occur overnight and this is why you may hear many business gurus talk about adding affirmations, meditation, and journaling as part of your daily routines. This is one of the biggest shifts that you will have to make once you decide to start your business.

3. You have to decide who you are selling to when starting a business
You are not trying to sell to everybody, but to a specific niche of people who need and want your offering. These people will become your loyal tribe and will sing your praises from the rooftop! But first…you have to spend some time identifying exactly who they are. You have to niche down. For example
- If you register businesses, can you register people who are opening beauty businesses
- As a small printery, can you print material for coffee lovers
- If you are a coach, can you coach entrepreneurs who are already making $10K or more in their business
You want to get as specific as possible about who you are serving. As your business grows your audience may change and that is also okay. But as you start, the more specific you are about who you are serving, the easier it will be for you to attract them and build a solid relationship. I wrote about 5 ways to find your ideal clients in a previous blog
4.You have to put some simple procedures in place
Creating simple procedures in your business early will help eliminate some of the overwhelm many new entrepreneurs experience when they are now starting a business. These procedures do not have to be complicated. And they can include a procedure to
- collect orders
- process payments
- handle delivery (online and offline)
- follow up
- upsell
Oftentimes, we overlook these simple procedures and rush into starting a social media page and as the orders start to come in, we find ourselves scrambling to put all the back-end pieces in place to ensure our customers are satisfied. These procedures, help you start on the right foot.
Starting a business can seem overwhelming when you have never done it before, or if you are not surrounded by people who have experience in the ups and downs of starting a business.
But let’s start from here!
I have a Business Foundation Bundle to help you scale quicker
In this training, I teach you about the business foundations that no one wants to tell you about including the
5 steps to stay focused on business
5 ways to get into action vs. hustle
3 things to grow your business
What are standard operating procedures
What tools to use
How to scale your business