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Our biggest critic is ourselves

It is no secret that our biggest critic is ourselves. Every day we wake up and we say our prayers and then we start our daily routine of self-sabotage. We talk ourselves out of a deal. We talk ourselves out of a approaching a potential business client. We even talk ourselves out of going to the gym to ensure our bodies are in tip top shape. Why do we do this? It is different for everybody.
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A vision board for your business

My vision board is my guiding light; the thing that spurs me on to keep on pushing till I achieve everything I want to achieve. My vision board is what I know I deserve. One thing I encourage my clients to do is create a vision board for their business. Everyone’s board looks different and is a reflection of the direction you want your business to grow and the ultimate outcome of all of your hard work.
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When is the right time to leave?

At some point in our lives we have had to make this very difficult decision. When is the right time to leave a bad situation to make our lives a little bit better. It is never an easy decision, but if it is truly something that you desire as an entrepreneur then its something that you should plan properly for because you can never foresee what obstacles may come your way.
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It’s all about the SWOT!

When was the last time you conducted a SWOT analysis of your business? Maybe when you were now starting up a few years ago? But sometimes it is necessary for you to step back and do a thorough assessment of where your business is positioned in the market. How many new businesses offering the same or similar services have opened since you started? Has your main competitor expanded or closed down? Is there room to grow into a new market?
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