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How I get out of my funk

Like everybody else there are times when I fall into a funk. When I don’t feel motivated to get up and do what I know needs to get done. We have all been through these spells and trust me when I tell you it is very very natural. Life happens but business goes on. Sometimes I let my day past and allow myself to be in my funk for one day but after that 24 hours I know I need to shake it off, jump out of it and press forward. Sounds easy? Nope it is not.


But the key is to find that thing which will wake up the drive inside of you so that you keep pushing through and you remember the WHY of my business. Some of the things I do to lift me out of my funk include:

1. Call a friend. Yes we all have that friend or family who knows how to uplift your spirit and give you that extra push to move forward. Call them, go out for lunch or just send them a text and ask them for help. It is okay to get help.

2. Listen to a motivation video. I subscribe to many different motivational audio books and videos. My go to persons are Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Joel Osteen and Lisa Nicholls. A dose of any one of them back to back, lifts my spirits, shifts my mindset and gets me in such a positive attitude to make the change I need to make.

3. Say a prayer. The power of prayer is unbelievable. Just saying a simple prayer or series of prayers moves my spirit and gets me in a better frame of mind.

4. Start writing. I write down my goals, I write down what I am trying to achieve, I write why I am awesome and why I need to get up today and get back on my journey

5. I read my testimonials! Yup, I log onto my social media platforms and read the testimonials that are left by my clients. Reading these helps me to reaffirm my purpose and gives me an extra boost to get up, get out and start moving.


Getting into a funk is okay every now and then, but your strength comes in knowing how and when to pull your boot straps on and get back on your journey.

Want to work and speak with me directly? We can brainstorm together about your business’ success.

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