M is for Marketing
The dreaded M word…lol. Okay, I may be stretching it a bit, but truly that is the number 1 complaint I get from most of my clients. They do not know where or how to market their business. There is a misguided belief that they just need to start a Facebook page, post pretty pictures and motivational posts every day, and business will come knocking at their door. It is because of this misguided belief that so many businesses fail.
Even in school where I did marketing, I am not sure they actually showed us HOW to market. Yes, we learned about product, place, and price but the actual HOW I think was sorely lacking and it rolls over when we are actually ready to start a business.
Marketing your business does not have to be daunting. It takes work but once you devise a plan and strategy that works for your business, the pieces start to fall together and the sales start to roll in. I want to share with you some key elements of any marketing strategy you devise. There is no one size fits all, but there are key elements that you need to consider before you get ‘busy’ with the ton of activities you feel are necessary to execute a solid marketing plan. So, let’s begin
1. Have a goal/plan
You need to be very specific about what you want to happen. Do you know that old saying about ‘Start with the end in mind’? Well here is where it comes in. What specifically do you want to happen in your business over a period of 3 months, 6 months, or 1 year? How much do you want to earn and how many clients do you want to serve? Where do you want to be seen and heard? You have to hone down on this idea so that you can see and feel it before you even begin the execution of any plan.

2. Know who your audience is
Too many times entrepreneurs try to sell to everybody and they end up burnt out and frustrated. Everybody does not need the solution you are providing. Get specific about who needs your business so that you save time, money, and resources by speaking directly to them on a consistent basis. The more specific you get the greater the results will be. In my last blog post Who is your ideal client we examined why they were important and how you start to find them.

3. Have multiple solutions
By this I mean, that your ideal clients may need what you offer in a variety of ways to ensure that you provide them a variety of solutions that fit not just their pockets but their needs. Gone are the days when you just have to sell one thing over and over. The best salespeople know that you should be selling multiple things to satisfy the different stages of your ideal clients.
4. Have an opinion
What exactly do you want to be known as/for. People want to know that you stand for something and that they can rely on you for that thing that you stand for. Make sure that in any communication you share that your opinion is clear to your audience and that it resonates with what you are selling
5. Be consistent
This I cannot stress enough. Whatever medium you decide to use for your marketing strategy, you need to be consistent. Showing up once a week will not cut it because your audience is bombarded with information every 2 seconds. The challenge is to show up in authentic yet creative ways so that your message stands out but nonetheless you need to be consistent in the delivery of your message and in asking for the sale every single day!
6. Do NOT rely on social media alone
Yes, I know billions of people are on social media but guess what — they all use social media differently. Social media is a powerful tool to get your message to your audience but it should not be the only way. A business page, a blog, a youtube channel, and a podcast are all great ways to talk to your audience. But also utilize traditional media like radio, television, newspapers, and magazines. Get involved with your community and network with your audience. Show up and let them see and hear exactly who you are away from your computer. Reach out and touch somebody (literally!!!..but not in a creepy-crawly way please)
7. Do your research
Stop guessing about what people need and want. Ask them. Do a survey. Ask questions in groups; send an email or a text. Your role as an entrepreneur is to understand what your audience wants and tap into their emotional needs so that you can sell consistently. You cannot guess what their needs are. Start to ask them simple questions so you can structure your business to solve their challenges in a meaningful way that seems true to them. In a previous blog, I asked- Are you doing your research? and I walked you through some of the ways to conduct research so that you grow your business consistently. Have a look and tell me what you think.

8. Always measure
How will you know if your plan is actually working if you do not measure your growth? Every few months, take a look at the progress you have made. Ask your clients about the service they received and how it can be improved. Make note of where you may have fallen short and what you need to amp up in your business. To grow a sustainable business you need to measure your growth consistently.
Marketing is a mysterious task for many persons but it is something that you can learn to master with the right guidance and tools. As your coach, I understand the challenge you face and I would love to guide you to make marketing easier for you.
Let’s schedule a call this week and see if you would be the perfect fit for my MOB (Marketing on a Budget) Squad!
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[…] I even spoke about this topic at length in a blog last year called M is for Marketing […]
[…] I even spoke about this topic at length in a blog last year called M is for Marketing […]