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#1 Way To Lose A Sale

#1 way to lose a sale

Many sales strategies are floating around and being taught to entrepreneurs. Depending on your business model, some strategies work and some don't. What we can agree on is that it is never a one-size-fits-all. And that there is 1 strategy that does not work and can get you reported and even banned for a scam. This is the #1 way to lose a sale...
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5 Ways To Increase Your Visibility

5 ways to increase your visibility

Why is visibility important you may ask? Well, if they don’t know you exist, then they would not buy from you. It is as simple as that. When you decide to start your business, one of the major issues you will stumble across is how to get visible. Visibility leads to sales even if you are selling a very exclusive commodity.
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Create Content That Sells

Create content that sells

One of the challenges many of my clients face is creating content consistently that sells. You see, this is something that is not taught in school and when most people start a business, they focus on building a pretty website, have a splashy call card and then maybe creating a flier that they hope will lure people to their business.
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What we have learnt so far…

We have been in this business of helping other businesses exceed, grow and breakthrough new markets for quite a number of years and there are a few key things that we have learnt along the way. Some of them include: 1. Always keep learning Reading and educating yourself is key to your success. You never know too much. There is always a new way, a better way, a more unconventional way. How can you help your clients if you yourself are not educated about the products and services that are available on the market.
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