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4 Ways To Increase Your Revenue

4 ways to increase your revenue

Everybody wants to make money in their business right? Either that or they are running a charity. But making the money always seems to be the hard part for many entrepreneurs because we do not talk about money or understand how money works (but that is for another blog post!). There are some tried and tested ways to make more money in your business.
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Do You Have A Marketing Plan?

Do You Have A Marketing Plan?

The one thing I know for certain when most people start working with me is that they do not have a Marketing plan. They may have a social media page and even a website and even an email list, but they have no idea how to make all these things work together. A Marketing plan is an outline of how you convey your message to your audience. It is a combination of the tools that you will use to convey the message as well as where you will convey these messages. But there are some major decisions you have to make before you even decide to show up to your audience.
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#1 Way To Lose A Sale

#1 way to lose a sale

Many sales strategies are floating around and being taught to entrepreneurs. Depending on your business model, some strategies work and some don't. What we can agree on is that it is never a one-size-fits-all. And that there is 1 strategy that does not work and can get you reported and even banned for a scam. This is the #1 way to lose a sale...
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5 Things To Do When Sales Are Not Coming In

5 things to do when sales are not coming in

Unfortunately, every entrepreneur has experienced periods where they are not receiving the sales they want. Sometimes no sales at all. And it can be frustrating, debilitating, and even bring on bouts of anxiety. Especially, if you believe you are doing it all. I have been there as well. Where I enthusiastically launched a programme and got not 1 sale! But I have learned over the years how to handle these situations and what to look out for. I want to suggest that if this is your reality then do these are 5 things to do when sales are not coming in.
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