Let’s get engaged
One of the key lessons I teach my clients who are on he road to mastering social media is that they need to engage if they want engagement!
When social first made its appearance, people just posted whatever they liked and because it was still small, so many people saw what you posted. Times have changed and now you are competing with millions of other businesses on social media. Which means your strategy from 2016 would not work anymore.
One of the biggest ways to get more engagement on your own page is by engaging with others. I know this may not make sense to you now. But in my own business, I spend 20 minutes per day engaging with at least 20 other businesses and I have seen an incredible increase in my views, likes, shares and comments. That only happened because I engaged with others.
Don’t be discouraged. I know how deflating it can feel to post something you believe is a hit and get absolutely no one seeing it, liking or commenting. If your goal is to get more engagement on your social media, you have to have

1. A goal or purpose
2. A very clear message
3. A call to action
I know you have heard me talk about these things before. But where your social media is concerned, it is not enough to just slap some information together and hope for the best. There is a strategy behind getting the engagement that you want. Because that engagement leads to
A. Raving Fans
B. Continuous Sales
And I know at the end of the day, that is exactly what you want in your business right?

But why do you want more engagement on your social media? ( Read this- The importance of engagement to grow your business)
Not just for the sales but also because this is how you build a relationship with your audience before they even buy from you
When you position yourself to be seen and heard, people will engage with what you share by liking, sharing and commenting.
When you respond to their engagement, you are building a relationship, thus establishing know, like and trust
You can then lead these same people into your sales funnel until they buy from you. Eg. Email Opt-in, many chat funnel, to a webinar or free training etc
Social media engagement can be a huge part of your overall marketing strategy if you understand how and set up a system to make it work for your business.
It is NOT about just posting often. Read this- (3 ways to get more eyes on your social media)
I know what you really want is continuous sales in your business. We all do! But that is no excuse for you to be sleazy and slimy…especially when using social media.
What you should be focused on is building relationships and being more engaged with your audience….because that leads to daily sales
NOT dropping the same flier over 5 days. Not saying the same thing over 5 days. Not just shouting buy from me for 5 days.
1. Share a story
2. Share a video
3. Ask a question
4. Share a joke
Do all the things you would normally do if you were courting somebody and you really liked them. That is how you should be viewing your social media. As a tool to court your audience. Sleazy and Slimy gets you blocked instantly!. This simple strategy I guarantee you will increase your engagement on social media.
Build it and they will come does not work
Post it and they will see also does not work
Your social media strategy needs to consider how do I get more eyes on my messages and how do I get my audience to engage by liking, sharing and commenting
Because this is how you build visibility and brand authority and this is how you increase your revenue stream as well
You social media once used properly can be a huge part of how you build and grow a sustainable business.