This is a funny statement coming form me given that most of my clients do come from facebook. But that is my business and every business is unique in its own right. While facebook seems to be the be all and end all of social media for some, I always have to ask and remind my own clients to look outside of facebook for their ideal clients as well. Not because their clients may not be their but more because their clients may not be using facebook as a tool to help solve their problem.
There are some businesses that thrive on facebook and the proof is in their conversions and return on investment. They do massive ads and outstanding videos and get clients dropping into their laps day in and day out but for others posting everyday and doing ads and live videos just does not get them the traffic they want. The problem is that they are not clear about who their ideal clients are and further do not know where they go to seek help for their biggest challenge. You first need to know and understand that, before you decide which social media platform works specifically for your niche.
Platforms such as Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest and Twitter are also great platforms to connect, engage and build relationships with your ideal clients…if used correctly. And there-in lies one of the biggest problems. Because entrepreneurs have gotten so hooked on facebook, they tend to try to use the other platforms in the exact same way and get no results, then give up completely, without understanding that each platform has its own nuances and users respond differently based on how you present your content.
I have followed some great brands big and small who are killing it on Instagram and Linkedin and the one thing I have realised is that they have taken the time to study and understand the platforms, so their ideal clients respond to them and they make a ton of sales…which is what we all want. They understand what type of content works, what type of images work and what call to action garners the best feedback from their audience. They also pay attention to their analytics so they know the best days and times to post to really reach an engaged audiences of buyers.

My advice to my clients and to you is
- Do some market research about your ideal client and determine which platform works for them
- When you choose a platform, follow people who have mastered the platform so you can pick up on some useful tricks and advice on how to become an expert on the platform
- Experiment with the platform because you want to create something that is uniquely yours
- Don’t just post but engage with others as well so you can also build know, like and trust
This by no means is knocking facebook for its great business capabilities, however, as a business owner, it is imperative that you also do not put all your eggs in 1 basket. Even if your ideal clients are found on facebook, decide where is the 2nd highly trafficked social media platform that they are on and show up there as well. But show up in the right way! Try to master at least 2 platforms really well before you branch into others because you do not want to over extend your own abilities.
PLUS besides social media, there are other ways to reach your ideal clients like radio, press, tv, networking events and speaking engagements. So decide where you need to be and show up genuinely and proudly every day.
If you are still struggling to
- Find your ideal client
- Master social media to land clients
Then let’s get on a Free discovery call so we can discuss how to get you on the right track.