Have you ever thought about having a membership programme for your business? Membership programmes are one of the easiest ways to gather all of your ideal clients in one space to offer them support and accountability. Getting the best persons into your membership is where you may struggle. Luckily, there are some tried and tested methods you can use to help you get new members and increase your membership base. One of the most effective methods is a 2-step sales funnel for your membership programme.
A two-step sales funnel is a process that starts with creating awareness of your membership programme, followed by nurturing potential clients until they are ready to become members. The key to success with this strategy is to focus on both creating awareness and building relationships with potential clients.
The first step of your two-step sales funnel is to create awareness for your membership programme. To do this, you’ll want to create content and share it across multiple channels – such as email, social media, and your website. The content should focus on the benefits of joining your programme, as well as how it can help clients achieve their goals. This content can be a mix of videos, posts, behind-the-scenes, and even testimonials of persons who have bought your offer in the past. Building awareness is one of the most crucial parts of the 2-step sales funnel because it builds that know, like, and trust which is so essential for clients to say YES to your offers.
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Once you’ve built up some initial awareness, you can then use this as an opportunity to start building relationships with potential clients. You can do this by sending out an email drip campaign or launching an email opt-in campaign. An email drip campaign is a series of emails that you may automate in advance providing information about your membership. This information should lean heavily on the benefits of being a member and focus on how your client’s life will be transformed once they join.
An email opt-in campaign is the provision of some information of value in exchange for your ideal clients’ email addresses. This is used in conjunction with your email drip campaign and also heavily focuses on the needs of your clients and the benefits they receive from becoming a member.
Your emails should focus on the value that your membership programme can provide, as well as providing an introduction to what being part of your community is like.
The final step of your two-step sales funnel is to nurture your leads. Once your ideal clients have entered your funnel through your email opt-in, then the nurturing process begins. This can include encouraging them to attend webinars, follow-up emails, or offering discounts or incentives to join. Ultimately, you want to provide value to and engage with potential clients so that you can turn them into members.
By setting up a two-step sales funnel, you can create an effective system that will help you get more members into your membership programme. Focus on building relationships and providing value, and you’ll find that more people are eager to join your community!
Once you have tested this approach, you can put this strategy on rinse and repeat. This complete 2-step sales funnel can be automated so your ideal clients are continually joining your membership throughout the year.