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Your Social Media Engagement Affects Your Business Growth

Your Social Media Engagement Affects your Business Growth

Every Monday morning, the algorithms change and every social media platform you are on is sending you an update. Okay, not every morning, but often enough that things change in the blink of an eye and you can see your page reviews disappear and the things you took for granted are no longer easily accessible. The fact is that your social media engagement affects your business growth.

Social media is constantly changing and this is why you need to be on top of your game where this is concerned.

What does this mean?

Well, it certainly does not mean being on social media all day every day, but it means knowing how to work the algorithms so you can get the results you want…which is more engagement that leads to sales daily. Let’s shed some light and what works and what does not work when developing your engagement strategy.



Most of you I am sure are on Facebook. But what other platforms are you mastering?

My suggestion to you is to master at least 2 of them first before you move onto new platforms. Social media can be overwhelming if you are not using it properly. Posting every day and hearing crickets or not making sales is NOT what you signed up for when you started this business.

In fact, your expectation is to post, get asked questions, and lead your clients to the checkout line. But for many entrepreneurs, the line is not that straight. So let’s start by looking at your engagement on at least 2 of your platforms first.

Why engagement? Because a focus on your engagement will get you closer to sales. You want to build an active and engaged audience. You want to build a loyal fan base of supporters who speak for you, recommend you, and buy from you consistently. Nurturing engagement is very intentional.


Do you know what is a pet peeve of mine? These like for like ladders……arrrgh. They do not work. The idea is that if enough people like my page then hopefully somebody will engage or buy. Or hopefully, somebody will share what I post. The flaw in this approach is that you are building your business on a hope and not on a strategy that is proven to work.

What you end up with is a bunch of people who have liked your page who have no intention of buying from you or even engaging with your page. You want to attract an active and engaged audience. And you do so by the content you share. You also want to share content that is going to make your audience leave comments and share your knowledge. THAT IS HOW YOU GET DAILY SALES!


Have you realised how many social media platforms are removing the like feature? There is a reason for that. Besides the fact that they are a business and want you to spend money, they also want you to make money and they understand that likes do not equal sales. By removing the like feature, they are forcing your audience to make a decision to actively engage with you.

But removing the likes feature is not enough. You have to create compelling content that will entice your audience to engage. And do you know what happens when they engage? The platforms reward us by pushing more of our content in the eyes of our ideal clients.

This is why you should be focused on engagement and building an engaged audience of fans. It is not rocket science, but it is a strategy.



Engagement is not hard and it is not supposed to be tedious. It is about simply making a decision to implement strategies to get you the results that you want!

Easy like Sunday morning! Engagement on social media means comments and shares. That’s it in a nutshell! How can you get this consistently on your social media and why is this important?

Well the more comments you receive, the more your message is seen by your ideal clients. The more times it is shared, the higher chance of it going viral. You want this because this is how you get the sales (with compelling content of course!)

Your engagement is the gateway to your growth in business.


Do you know what is a huge misconception? That selling means that you are always shoving your business down people’s throats. That actually is annoying and can lead to burnout for you.

In October I booked 2 international clients I had never spoken to before simply by my engagement posts. Yep! I shared a compelling piece of content, they asked a question and then they asked to work with me. The transaction happened in less than 30 minutes and all it entailed was me sharing something that prompted them to engage and in turn, I engaged and then they clicked on the link and signed up to work!

I had to learn the hard way how to sell and how to master my engagement to get what I want. Engagement is a strategy and you have to make a decision that is essential for your success.

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