Should you work for free to start your business?
So you are ready to start your business and you want to get as many eyes on it as soon as possible. You also want to start to make sales quickly. But the fact is that no one knows you exist and no one regards you as an expert in the field as yet. Should you work for free to start your business?
The answer is a resounding NO!
So maybe 10 years ago, when many new business owners came on the market, they worked for free to build a portfolio and to gain credibility. But what worked 10 years ago, does not work today. There are so many ways for you to start your business without working for free. Let’s break it down.
1. Start with beta testers
What this means is that instead of giving away your offer completely free, you can offer it at a reduced price. This way, you still earn money, you get feedback and even some testimonials under your belt.
Beta testing is a tried and true way for you to kick start your business idea.
2. Be consistent and provide value
Nowadays, people want a ton of value. Instead of giving away your services for free, focus heavily on your marketing so that you can show up consistently on social media and in their emails with a ton of value. The key to this is consistency and having a differentiating voice from the thousands of people who are offering the same service.
A consistent business with a solid marketing plan is a successful business.
Where do you show up?
- On social media
- On podcasts
- In groups
- On video/reels/ stories
3. Show don’t tell
Many businesses burst onto the market to tell people how great they are. This approach is archaic and makes you work harder for your money. Instead, show people why you are the best.
How do you show?
- Speak to them about real-life challenges and show them how your offer will make their lives better.
- Show before and after of when your offer is used
- Get your beta tester to be your spokesperson and let them show their results
- Show behind the scenes or the back end
- Short demos
Let me show you –How to ramp up your visibility in 90 days
4. Create lead magnets
By now you can tell that all of these ideas are interrelated in some way. As you build trust and share value by being consistent, you can create a lead magnet that will entice your ideal audience to exchange their email address for a valuable offer.
According to Investopedia, ‘ A lead magnet is a marketing term for a free item or service that is given away for the purpose of gathering contact details; for example, lead magnets can be trial subscriptions, samples, white papers, e-newsletters, and free consultations. Marketers use lead magnets to create sales leads.’
This is also called a tripwire. And while most people start with free tripwires, you can also offer it at a discounted rate or with a coupon code to get your audience inside.
5. Ask for the sale consistently
While you are building your audience you can still ask for the sale. Do not walk around with the delusion that no one will buy. Because the moment you decide to be consistent and show up with intentional value, you will start to attract your ideal clients.
You do not need to wait 9 months before you start asking for the sale. When you share value, you show your audience the solution and you get your beta testers on board, also consistently have an offer out for your audience to purchase.
You may start off with 1 sale but that 1 sal will turn into 10 and then 100 and keep growing as you keep showing up with intentional value.
The key is to create offers that do not sound, look or feel like everybody else. Show your audience instead of telling them.
Another approach some businesses take is creating a waiting list of potential clients. Again this works wonders once your offer is enticing
What makes an offer enticing?
- It solves a specific challenge
- It is time-sensitive
- It is exclusive
You do not have to work for free but you do not have to be creative and strategic in how you present your business for your ideal clients to agree to buy from you.
If you are ready to start building your own business, then grab the Business Builder Essentials, and let’s begin!