The real reason you are burnt out
Many of my clients are moms trying their best to navigate this world of entrepreneurship while still holding full-time jobs. I decided to get the low down from Life Design Coach for Moms, Tanya Dickson. This is her advice on the real reason you are burnt out.
Before the pandemic, some of us Moms were struggling to keep afloat with work, the kids, our partner, and our damn selves. But now that the world is on a sabbatical, we work from home. We started another full-time job as the Teacher to our kids and a host of other new developments has been added to our plate.
We feel stressed, undervalued, unsupported, and scattered even more now. Many of us just can’t seem to manage our time and take control of our lives no matter what we try.

Here’s what I think is the real reason you are burnt out: OVER DOMINANCE OF MASCULINE ENERGY
No this has nothing to do with sexuality and gender roles. But all to do with embracing and acknowledging the energies (masculine and feminine) that are always pulsing within us.
As high achieving women we have been taught that the only way to achieve success in anything is to leave behind the feminine and fully embrace the masculine. Think, talk and act like the many men we see in the CEO chair!
This meant leaving behind feminine qualities like intuition, creativity, compassion, understanding, and softness. To embody masculine qualities like leadership, action, logic, adventure, loyalty, confidence, focus, and efficiency.
This leaving behind our innate feminine power is what is preventing us from finding ease, contentment, and peace in our days.
Sounds woo woo right? But, when I discovered that my over dominance of masculine energy was one of the main reasons why I suffered 2 burnouts and nearly had a miscarriage. I decided woo woo was now my way of life. LOL
Don’t get me wrong, my masculine energy did help to get me to the position of corporate executive and to tenaciously pursue what I want and stay focused on the end results.
However, when I started to work on embodying my feminine, I was then able to truly enjoy the process of the things I was creating and working towards in my life, independent of the result.
I was able to give myself more credit and compassion on the days when everything didn’t go as I planned.
And I was able to slow down and see the importance of my self-care and spending quality time with my daughter.
Plus, I even realized that all this time when I thought I was being productive I was just busy running myself thin.
You are probably wondering but how the hell do I embrace my feminine?!
Well here’s one of the things I did that helped to welcome my feminine: PRACTICING RECEPTIVITY.
I began to allow others to help me. First,I would ask for help from my partner, friends, and coworkers so that I can find more time to do things I really wanted/needed to do. It sounds really hard for us stubborn, don’t trust, DIY Moms. But, I started to receive as much as I give of myself.
If you feel burned out, overworked, fragmented, or exhausted, you’re in desperate need of feminine energy to restore, inspire, and enliven you.

In my program Reclaim your Time | Reclaim your Life. I help Moms restore their feminine energy and find harmony between the 2 energies. This way, they can experience more ease and organization in their days. Feel more accomplished as a professional and Mom and experience more joy and peace in their journey of motherhood. We examine the real reason you are burnt out.
You can reclaim your power, take back control of your life and live life fearlessly on your terms. And I will guide you on how to do that inside the program. Schedule your FREE Clarity & Jumpstart Session here https://coachtanyad.as.me/