Do you need a team to scale your business?
This is a huge decision for any entrepreneur and I would say the simple answer is YES. You need a team to scale your business. What does scaling mean? Scaling means being able to attract recurring and multiple streams of income consistently in your business.
No one ever said that you had to be on this journey alone. And while it is romantic to think that we are the chief cook and bottle washer, that will only get you so far. It also does not mean that you have to hire a whole sleuth of people to support your growth either. But it does mean, recognising your weaknesses or lack and making a decision to bring somebody on who can do a better job and add value to your team and your growth.

What you need to decide
It is not one-size-fits-all, so deciding on where you need help and how you need help comes with a bit of introspection on your part. Do you need someone to
a. manage your social media
b. write content for you
c. create graphic pieces
d. manage your invoices and receipts
e. do follow up calls and book appointments
You have to first decide which task is a priority in your business and hire based on the need you have identified. The selected candidate can work
a. virtually
b. part-time
c. a few hours per week
d. on selected day
Again, this decision is entirely up to you and how much help you actually need in your business.

Some common mistakes
The common complaint I hear among entrepreneurs when we talk about building their staff compliment is that they don’t trust anyone to not steal their ideas. Here are a few things you need to take into consideration when hiring
- Have a solid contract so that you can protect your ideas and your intellectual property
- Communicate openly and honestly about expectations and do not assume the person knows your goals or desires. Open communication ensures that everything is laid out on the table from the start and avoids loss of time, energy, and resources
- Give them all the tools and resources needed so that they can do the job you expect them to do. If they do not have the tools then you have to ready to accept what they provide
- Provide the necessary training because again, they do not know how you do what you do. Train them where necessary so they can develop the same work ethic and keep up the standards you have set for your business
- Be open to receiving feedback because sometimes the person you are hiring may have a better idea or way of completing a task. You do not know everything and the reason that you hired this person is to improve your business. Most hires are coming in with a particular skill set. Give them the room to shine and grow as well.
At the first sign of ‘trouble’, we tend to run, without realising that the error may be our lack of communication or lack of planning. Hiring a new team member can feel daunting, to say the least, but it is not impossible.
Scaling your business is the natural progression from being a solopreneur to a full-time entrepreneur. Read more about it in one of my last blogs on scaling your business for increased profitability
Where to begin
Once you have decided on where you need help, the next obvious thing is where to find these people you need. Well, they are everywhere if you take a good look around. I have found great assistants both on Upwork and Fiverr and even right in my back door with VA Forward
Are you ready to build your team and scale your business? Then let’s talk about your next steps and start making some decisions. Book your consultation with us by clicking the button.