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Becoming A Coach: Finding Your Niche And Building A Coaching Business

Becoming a Coach: Finding Your Niche and Building a Coaching Business

If you’ve been contemplating a career change towards coaching, this blog post is dedicated to you.

The Expansive World of Coaching:

In the past, the concept of coaching was somewhat mysterious, and many people didn’t fully understand what a coach did. But today, the coaching industry has expanded and diversified dramatically. If you’re thinking of becoming a coach, the possibilities are endless. You can specialize in various areas such as business, wellness, finance, and love, or even target specific audiences like men, women, or any demographic. The sky truly is the limit in the coaching world.

5 things I look for in a coach

Therapist, Coach, and Consultant: Understanding the Differences:

One common source of confusion is distinguishing between a therapist, a coach, and a consultant. To ensure you provide the right support for your clients, it’s crucial to understand the differences between these roles.

1. **Therapist:** Therapists typically focus on the past. They delve into your history to help you navigate your present and work towards your desired future. Therapy addresses emotional and psychological concerns.

2. **Coach:** A coach, on the other hand, concentrates on the present. Coaches do not delve into the past or deal with emotions as therapists do. Their role is to help you make progress and move forward by asking probing questions and being exceptional listeners.

3. **Consultant:** Consultants are more hands-on and results-oriented. They offer specific solutions and tools, actively participating in your projects.

Choosing Your Coaching Niche:

Before embarking on your coaching journey, you must answer a fundamental question: Who do you want to attract as clients? Defining your target audience goes beyond demographics like age, location, or marital status. It’s about understanding the specific pain points that keep your potential clients up at night.

Identifying your ideal client’s challenges and anxieties is crucial. For example, do they need guidance in career decisions, resume building, or content creation? The more you understand your audience’s needs, the better you can tailor your coaching services to address those needs effectively.

Creating Your Coaching Solutions:

Once you’ve identified the challenges your ideal clients face, it’s time to think about the solutions you’ll offer as a coach. Will you provide holistic solutions, comprehensive packages, or multiple smaller solutions for clients to choose from based on their specific needs? This is where you differentiate yourself and define your unique coaching approach.

Don’t Rush into Coaching:

Becoming a coach is a significant decision that should not be taken lightly. It’s essential to enter this field with a genuine desire to serve and help others, armed with the right skills, tools, and knowledge. Jumping into coaching merely because it’s a trendy career choice is not a valid reason. Be sure you’re committed to making a positive impact on the lives of your clients.

Becoming the Coach Program:

If you’re ready to commit to becoming a coach, I offer the “Becoming the Coach” programme, a 12-week journey that equips you with the tools, strategies, and support needed to start your coaching business successfully. The program covers audience identification, pricing strategies, messaging, and more.


Becoming a coach is a process that requires careful consideration and dedication. By understanding the differences between therapy, coaching, and consulting, defining your target audience, and crafting tailored solutions, you’ll be well on your way to a successful coaching career. If you’re serious about becoming a coach and are ready to put in the work, consider joining the “Becoming the Coach” programme. This programme offers guidance, support, and the tools needed to achieve your coaching business goals.

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